Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stuck in the mud or moving forward?

Stuck in the mud or moving forward?

The question as we close out 2008 is, are you stuck in the mud or moving forward? Did you know it is a choice? Sometimes we are deceived to believe that our only choice is to give up, this is not truth!

I sat down this week for breakfast with a dear friend with intentions to set some goals for 2009. As I handed them the papers listing goals and blank lines they turned it over, ordered breakfast and ate. I asked if they wanted to set goals or did they even know where they wanted to head. The response was brief and basically not interested. So much had happened this past year why bother was the mind-set.

I am here to challenge you today, the last day of 2008 to pull your head out of the sand, quit playing ostrich and let’s move forward together. 2008 is just that 2008, we have so much ahead of us in 2009 we must move forward. Time to take a stand, no more buying into the negative mind-set of it’s over just quit, time to take your power back and say NO to the garbage and YES to your power!

So are you ready to step into 2009 with me?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Join me today as Anna Banks interviews me on Strictly Business Radio, topic Making and keeping Powerful New Years Resolutions

Monday, December 29, 2008

Preparing for next weeks Business Booster Sessions with companies looking to increase productivity & profitability while improving employee moral...interested?

Friday, December 26, 2008

The anticipation is building…

The anticipation is building…

We are almost there, 2009!
I just finished watching the Today’s Show top stories and happenings for 2009. At the end of the show I was exhausted 2008 has been a busy year!

Can you hear the buzz building momentum for 2009? It is in the air, in the universe, and the talk of the town. 2009 is going to be a year of Power for those that choose to embrace it and take action. I challenge you to be one of action over these last few days of 2008 brainstorming and creating a treasure map of success for 2009, I know I am!

Are you ready to take the challenge?

Robin Hardy
Business Consultant, Sales Trainer & Motivational Expert

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Only 7 Days Left...

Resolutions, resolutions and more resolutions are set then broken or forgotten. What are you planning for 2009? What resolutions are you writing down? Did you put an action plan to the resolution?

Look at your resolutions as a goal or objective for 2009, stay focused and write out your game plan. Look at the winning football teams they all have written plays to make it to #1, they did not just wing it and quit when then plan did not work. If the plan did not work then re-work the plan, sometimes we need to shift in order to succeed. Be willing to take a chance, step in faith and take action.

What are your resolutions or plans for 2009?

Getting ready to sit down to a pot roast then off to Christmas Eve service at 9 PM, Merry Christmas to all of you & an amazingly successful 2009!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Countdown Begins

Wow! I sat here this morning in amazement we are only 17 days away from 2009! How did we get here, did we do everything we wanted to accomplish in 2008? The biggest question I have for you is are you where you want to be as we close out 2008?

There is so much in the media and surrounding that is telling us why bother it is all negative, however I choose to say no to their mindset. Just like HP and Max Factor said no to the mindset in the 1930's. Are you willing to join me in this stand? It is time today to make a stand and set the intention for the direction you are choosing for 2009. I know 2009 will be a year of power for those willing to put on the armor and play hard and finish the game. Sometimes we need a "cheerleader" on our side to make this happen, someone that will encourage and direct us into that next level of success (you chose the definition of success).

Are you ready to count down these next 17 days with your armor on and ready to play hard? Then I can be your "cheerleader", taking you to the next level in your life!
What do you want out of 2009?

Empowered Options Coach

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Interviewing Marsh Engle for Mondays show on Empowering You Radio, an Empowered Journey

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finding Joy Today...

Finding Joy Today…

It was amazing last night we went to a meeting for one of the colleges I teach at and as we drove through some of the local neighborhoods it was amazing to see so many dark homes. So many that have bought into the medias mind-set sending them into a depression. What is amazing is if we ignore the negative garbage in the media and begin to be thankful for where we are today. Many have lost homes, jobs and more and yet there is still Joy and Hope in their life. How is this? This is about a choice to move on, so what if you can’t put hundreds of dollars of gifts under a Christmas tree and give the kids everything they say I want to because the TV commercials have said you have to have this to be cool. What if this year it is a day of celebrating family, those in our lives and the blessings we have today. There is always something to be grateful for…no matter how small.

Our Christmas this year will have no gifts, only a meal with family and friends and great conversations. We have hung our lights, decorated the tree and have chosen to celebrate where we are at…So the question is where do you find your Joy today?

Are you willing to join me in celebrating where you are at?

Monday, December 1, 2008

just finished interviewing Karen James for Empowered Journey Radio beautiful story airing Wednesday