The word blog is a conflation of two words: Web and log. It contains in its four letters a concise and accurate self-description: it is a log of thoughts and writing posted publicly on the World Wide Web. Often times we are hearing the question of, Should I be blogging as a business owner? Why do I need to blog?
Yes, as a business owner you need to be blogging on a regular basis. The blogs do not have to be long; they may only be a couple of paragraphs long but loaded with great content. Then we hear how often do I have to blog? My suggestion to you is at least once a week and I will explain why in a minute. If you can set aside 15-20 minutes a day I would write something once a day, put the time allotment on your calendar as an appointment.
Now on to the why should I blog? Here are several reasons to blog:
*Sharing news and information
*Expressing yourself
*Being found on search engines
*Open dialogue with potential clients
*Become the expert in your niche
*Move your business forward
*Develop a following
*Get published
*Public Relations (free PR)
*Blogs are interactive
*Customer Evangelists (clients that proclaim you as the expert)
We are always searching for new ways to get our name out there to the world and in the case of a start-up business you are looking for cost effective ways to get it done. Blogging is a free resource (in general, there are some paid sites if you must) and it takes a small portion of time to write something that would educate your potential client. The key to a successful blog that requests interaction is to end your blog with a question, challenge or call to action. This will prompt potential and loyal clients to respond and engage with you.
To start your blog go to a recognized site by Google or Yahoo such as this way it is free, easy and recognized in major search engines. There are several themed or specialty sites you can go register on that will direct you to a specific target market. Mashable has a great article listing over 40 free blog host sites
The challenge today is go register yourself a blog site, and write a paragraph a day. You will find it gets easier and it is a lot of fun to share your knowledge. Are you ready to launch this marketing tool into your business plan today?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Business 101: Should I blog as a business owner?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Business 101: What is Social Media Marketing & Why do I need it?
SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a huge arena of amazing tools that seem to grow and expand every moment. SMM is the hottest new way to market yourself and gain the much desired exposure to potential new clients. The amazing part of using SMM is the cost factor, SMM is virtually free to utilize, and it takes you world wide in a matter of minutes. Who would not want that kind of exposure?
SMM appears in a variety of forms from social networking sites to viral marketing sites.
FaceBook (
Twitter (
LinkedIn (
NING sites (
While the viral marketing sites are:
Google Video
Then you have your Blog sites:
The fourth area in the SMM platform is Internet Radio/Podcasts:
Voice America Radio
Podcast Alley
The final area we will touch on is Social Bookmarking or tagging:
Keep in mind I am only listing the top sites, there are many others that can be more specific to your niche market. The key is to begin to connect into each of these platforms offering advice, tips, quotes then the sale. Do not march into these social platforms with a hard sale, guaranteed they will “un-friend” or stop following you.
You want to utilize all of the various platforms for optimum exposure, do not find yourself sticking to one only or combining all together on one site. The key is exposure and linking on several sites, then you can upload/link your radio show & blog to your main website to drive more traffic to your home site, that is a whole different topic for later. To find out more and explore your options visit or email at
Business 101: What do I need to start my own?
So let’s jump into the basic essentials for creating your own business today:
1.) A great idea, something that will meet a need for the community. Something that you can
2.) You have to really want to journey this direction, owning your own business is not a cake
3.) You have to create a RoadMap to keep you on the right path. This is like using your GPS to
4.) You have to create a Business Plan with specific targets, keep in mind this plan can & most
5.) You need a strong support system behind you. This support system can come in a variety
6.) You must have a strong passion for the business you want to start. Don’t just jump at
7.) You need to count the cost, starting a business does not mean instant income. You have to
It is so simple today to launch a business and the rewards are far beyond anything a job can provide, are you ready? Are you willing to commit?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Business 101: Is it really a good time to start a business?
· Desire for Change
· Passion for Opportunity
· Strong Support System
· Defined RoadMap
· Great Idea
· Weakened competitors. It's likely that many of your competitors are facing tough times,
· Customers seek cost effective options. When times are good, customers are likely to stick
· Large Corporations cut back. Reducing their services, especially to the small business
· Loyalties loosen. As competitors reduce services to customers, and as customers look
· Be the cost effective option. Target customers who use more expensive products &
· Market aggressively. As loyalties loosen, your competitors' customers are more willing to
· Think out of the Box. Come up with new ideas/solutions, especially more cost effective
· Present yourself as a consultant for large companies. You'll be more cost effective than the
Monday, August 10, 2009
Why people will not build a business today, Reason #8 Self-Sabotage
Sabotage; as defined in the dictionary is any undermining of a cause...
"You can't do that!" "That's way too difficult!" "If you try, you'll probably just fail anyway." These statements sound as if they're coming from someone with a cruel mission to destroy self-confidence. Unfortunately, we can be the “someone” and our target can be our self.
Negative self-talk or sometimes called Monkey Chatter is something we have all probably engaged in at some time. When it rears its ugly head on a regular basis it, it can lead to self-sabotage, and can stop us and in some cases paralyze a person from achieving their goals and dreams. The worse part is we usually don't recognize what we are doing to ourselves. Instead, we attribute our lack of success to inadequacy or being unlucky. This mind-set will strengthen the negative messages we tell ourselves, and we get caught in a self-sabotaging cycle that can be very difficult to break.
A simple way to tell if you are sabotaging your self is when you grind to a halt while you're trying to achieve your goals, for no rational reason. When you feel like you are stuck in quick sand and the only way is down, or you tell yourself to quit you are not capable of success. The skill, ability and desire are there just seems as something is stopping you from moving forward. When you begin to feel that you can't do something you should be able to do, or have done before self-sabotage is at work.
Self-sabotage behavior can leave you feeling frustrated, discouraged, and trapped in a situation you desperately want to change. Self-sabotage behaviors are irrational and illogical, and they will destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence!
Everyone sabotages themselves from time to time. Unfortunately, sometimes we sabotage ourselves to the point of not being able to live the successful, happy life we really want to live.
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself (honestly) to determine if you might be self-sabotaging yourself:
· Is procrastination a regular part of your day?
· Do you have a difficult time getting motivated to do the things you really want to do?
· Did you tell yourself that this would be your year to succeed, but despite this promise to
yourself, you are still not living the life you truly want to live?
· Do your love relationships seem destined to fall apart?
· Do people often misunderstand your intentions?
· Do you feel as if people in your life are constantly criticizing you?
· Do you ever experience depression, anxiety or panic attacks, even when there is no logical
reason for them?
· Do you ever feel resentment or anger over not having more control over the events in your
Self-sabotage behavior damages your self-esteem and causes you to lose confidence in yourself, which is reflected to those around you by your attitude, comments and non-verbal communications. Self-sabotage can create feelings of frustration, discouragement, resentment, anger and panic. Most significantly, it stops you from doing and having the things you really want to have in your life.
So, let’s explore some ways you can overcome self sabotage. You have to let go, trust in the flow of life and begin to trust yourself. Do not allow other peoples opinions of you dictate what you believe and never do something to make someone approve of you if it’s not the way you would normally act, it is impossible to please everyone all the time.
In life we have to choose our battles we will fight and sometimes the best way to handle a situation if someone let you down either forgive them and understand that’s just the way they are or move on from them. Our actions will either lead to outcomes or consequences, you control your own life and no one else is responsible for the situations you find yourself in. You can not blame everyone else for what happens to you, if you do you are only sabotaging yourself.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, life is about learning and growing not instantly having the answer for everything. Self-sabotage needs to be recognized and addressed if you plan on moving forward as a successful business owner, because sometimes it is just you & the little mouse in your pocket that is moving in the same direction. Cut yourself some slack and talk kindly to yourself like you would talk to a loving friend, you will be surprised at the results you will experience. You may find you really like yourself!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Why People Do Not Start a Business Today, Reason #7 Laziness!
This mind-set is a very dangerous one, however in today’s economy a very common one. If we focus on the entire crisis around us we will become paralyzed and complacent. Lingering in this mind-set for too long can create a position of laziness, if you have sat around too long you will loose your desire to move forward. The other issue is those that are genuinely lazy and just do not want to do anything to better themselves or their families. The strange thing about this person is they are the ones always complaining that life is hard, life is bad, I never get a chance/break and on and on.
If we really want change in our life we must get out of the mind-set of laziness and move into action. Consider this transition just like working out at the gym; take little steps to big rewards. If you try to change instantaneously you will most likely give up as you become overwhelmed. If you are in a position of really wanting to make the change in your life and launch out of “The Lazy Mind-Set” here are a few steps you can take to begin the process of change in your life:
· Place notes to yourself on mirrors, wallet, drawers that say “I can do anything I set my
· Hire a Life or Business Coach to help you set some goals and keep you on the right path.
· Find a Master-Mind Group in your area that meets once a week
· Read books that will empower you like; Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki or Think &
· Journal your progress daily, including emotions & feelings
· Just start today, do not wait until tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes it is always today!
Congratulations on your decision to be proactive and remember you can do anything you set your mind to do!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Why People Do Not Start a Business Today, Reason #6 Lack of Information
Lack of information is another top reason people don’t start a business today. Many may not be sure where to start while others may have had a business failure in the past and do not want to go there again. The other option is a family member may have lost a business as well do to lack of information, which scares the new potential entrepreneur.
The key to overcoming this reason is really simple with the invention of the internet; you have access to anything you want to know at the tips of your fingers. Any good entrepreneur will tell you it takes planning and goals to become successful. Becoming an entrepreneur requires the individual to think out the plan and direction they desire to head. This may mean taking classes at local colleges, attending tele-classes and hiring a Business Coach to keep you on track.
Ask around and you will see that most entrepreneurs do not do it alone; they may be a solo-entrepreneur however they have a support system in place. Let’s explore a couple of the ways to gather information and plan for this amazing journey.
1.) Hire a Business Coach: This is the simplest way to begin the process as they are knowledgeable about the process and details so that you are successful. Their number one objective when you come on board as a client is to determine your desires, then assist you in reaching your goals. They are your personal cheerleader! The program will be designed to personally fit you and your needs. The return on investment from anyone that has hired a Business Coach, even CEO’s of major firms, is currently exceeding 147% ROI. Not a bad return for your money!
2.) Register & Attend Tele-Classes/On-Line Classes: These are classes you can take from experts via your telephone. You can find classes that are a one day/one hour event to classes that run in a series. The free classes are usually set up to sell you the next program, so keep in mind you may get a few nuggets and not the whole content. They usually give you a workbook to follow along with and the information is generic so that everyone can gather some information.
3.) Register for local Community College classes: Usually Community College classes run from $29.00 to $149.00 and can offer great information. For these classes you must register on-line or early, if the college sees no one registered they will cancel the class. These classes are usually taught by experts in their field who are currently active with their specialty, they do not teach you text book theory you should receive practical real life application.
These are three of the many ways to gain knowledge about the business you desire to start before you launch the actual business. Start today discovering ways you can become knowledgeable about your business so you can launch yourself into success.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Getting Caught in the Web: The Start-up Business & The Internet Part 2
Getting linked on other websites to move your Google/Search Engine ranking is really simple. This is probably the best tool for all start-up businesses today, because it costs you nothing except a little time. I know it is hard to believe that you can gain exposure at no dollar cost to you! This is the beauty of staring a business today; years ago you had to have the brick & mortar to begin and a good sized chunk of money in the bank.
So let’s explore the options to getting your website linked on other sites. The most obvious connections need to happen in the Social Media arena (we will explore Social Media Marketing in a future article) like FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIN are the 3 main places. If you have videos then exposure on YouTube is a great resource for exposure on the internet. These have been previously used for primarily personal use, today they are the hottest marketing tools for businesses. Even big companies like Starbucks, Pringles, Pizza Hut and more are using FaceBook for exposure. The key is how to use them for business; here are a couple of tips to follow to keep it professional:
1. Photo, be sure it is of YOU and it is not suggestive; no suits a suit makes you unapproachable
2. Keep photos off your profiles that reflect partying (you and your friends at a bar drinking is not a good photo choice)
3. Be sure to post appropriately on your listing; offer tips, advice or quotes
4. Do FaceBook suggested friend connections
5. Be sure your website is on your profile as a link (a link looks like this way when they click on it they will be taken to your website while leaving your profile page in a different window
6. You can get a “vanity” URL on FaceBook now, FaceBook used to give you a link like which makes it hard to remember, now you can do one like which is much better for you from a marketing viewpoint. 7. Always try for your name, firstlast with no punctuation first.
8. As a business you can also create a Fan Page which gives you more exposure
The biggest word of advice on this type of marketing, limit the amount of time you spend, set a timer for say 30 minutes. It is really easy to get caught up in this type of networking.
Getting Caught in the Web: The Start-up Business & The Internet Part 1
A question was asked the other day regarding the value of a presence on the internet, “Is it really worth building a website for a small business with all the competition?” YES!!! The numbers as of late are 90% of the world (perhaps more today) search the internet for what they need as a first step. Can they find you?
The internet & Google searches can be overwhelming to some
start-up businesses, however take a deep breath here are some simple rules to follow when creating your empire on-line.
- Get a website!
- Content rich
- Opt-in box on the website
- Own the website!
- Be able to modify/update the website
- Get it ranked on Google (not by doing Pay-Per-Click)
- Any links on your site need to open a new window, leaving your website up in front of potential client
- Get your website linked on other websites like:
- Article writing
- Joint Ventures
- Blog
- Internet Radio Show and more…
Understand it is really possible to move your website to the first page of a search and well worth your efforts. I took my own site from page 15 to page 1 in 3 weeks, I am competing against 2 other Robin Hardy’s, one is an author and the other the producer of The Wicker Man. So I have a little competition, however if I did it so can you.