Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's all about Your Mind-set...

As I woke up this morning I was in a bit of a panic, it was 9:00 AM!!! How did I sleep so long? As I began to attack myself for getting much needed rest I realized, I went to sleep at 1:30 in the morning...Next!

It is amazing when you stop in the midst and think about it, we have the power to modify our outcomes. It all starts in our minds, if we choose to have a negative (glass is half empty) mentality when we rise in the morning (or evening for swing shift) then we will feed only more of that into our day in everything we do. However, if we choose to be more positive (see the glass half full) we will find the universe will send us more positive. I don't know about you however, I am choosing today to receive more positive flow each and every day, all day long.

I decided this past Monday that I would start my days with ME time, what that means to me is devotional & quiet time, before I open emails, feed the dogs, etc., etc!!! Why do this you may ask? This sets my mind in the right direction as women we almost always finding ourselves trying to multi-task during our busy days. With our minds being the strongest part of our bodies why not have it control your body in a positive way.

The key is positive self-talk or notes and stop beating yourself up each day. We are strong and empowered beings that need to step into that natural power.

What do you do to create a positive mind-set each day?

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