Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Taking Our Power Back!

I sat back this morning reflecting on many dear friends who have this week decided to take their power back from things holding them in bondage. They are experiencing a couple of different emotions as they emerge victorious in taking their life back. Some are feeling strong and confident, while others are scared and weak. Feeling are important to embrace and recognize what impact they are having on you. If you avoid the feeling/emotion side of life you will miss out on so much growth and opportunity.

Those feeling strong and confident are moving into their next place, next level with anticipation of great things happening. Keep in mind this was their choice to move this direction, many had already been in the scared and weak place in their life. My encouragement to all who are experiencing taking your power back with fear and weakness to take a deep breath and move forward anyway. The power you have in moving despite your emotions is life changing. Here are a few ways that will help you move through this new fantastic step you have chosen to make:
  • Journal: write down what is going on, experience your emotions, embrace the change
  • Breathe: take deep breaths and calm your mind, slow the breathing down and relax
  • Music: listen to some positive music, full of life and energy
  • Connect: connect with a coach, mentor that will listen as you move through your new journey.

These are all simple ways to begin to embrace this exciting new place you stand in, enjoy it and love the journey you are on...

What have you taken your power back on? (financial, business, relationships, etc.)

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