Monday, January 19, 2009

Creating Positive Focus

Just what does Creating Positive Focus mean? Does that mean I am always happy and nothing negative ever happens? No. Creating Positive Focus is a skill you can learn to move through the events in our life. In order to create positive focus we must choose to act and not re-act to life. Sounds like a huge order to chunk off considering everything that you have gone through, depends on how you chew it! I once heard the question asked, how do you eat an elephant? The response was well one bite at a time, so why can’t we apply this to our life as we move through it.

I am sure by now you have heard about The Secret and The Law of Attraction, they are real from the stand point what you focus on is what you get more of. The people you attract to yourself reflect how you act and think. So the million dollar question here today is what are you focused on and how do you behave, what is your attitude?

The success key to this journey we call life is what we focus on, if we focus on the negative aspects of our life we will draw more negative. This occurs because when all you focus on is negative, you actually miss all the beautiful moments and opportunities that are in front of you each day. However, if we choose to move through the “negative” moments in our life and focus on or seek out the positive we will draw more of the positive into our space, because we are looking for it. The same scenario follows for people in our life, who do you choose to surround yourself with? Are you seeking out people that are negative and you can compete for the best sob story or are you seeking out people of power and passion? If we act in power and passion the same type of people will naturally be drawn to us. When I mention power it is defined as knowing the direction you want to head into and creating the roadmap to get there. People of power do not usually sit and wait for life to happen to them they go out and begin creating life. So I ask you who do you want to attract?

We each have choices we must make in our life, so is your choice the wounded victim or the victorious warrior as you step into the new? Which choice gives you more power and energy? It is time each of us choose to step into the victorious warrior and begin to act like it; life will be more interesting, you will feel better both physically & mentally and you will see yourself more successful.
What is your choice today?

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