Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Can you believe it we are rapidly approaching 2010? Are you a new entrepreneur or a seasoned one? Perhaps you are one of the thousands of Accidental Entrepreneurs of 2009. No matter the case it is time to seriously look at the approach you will have for the New Year. I know many are saying I am too busy to look at it now with Christmas and all. Let me tell you if you do not start planning it now you will not begin the process because something will always be a priority.

A friend of mine, perhaps you know him Chris Bogan (http://chrisbogan.com/), mentioned in his blog this week that his forecast is that we will see small businesses merging together. Taking what you are lacking in skill & resources and merge with an appropriate counterpart. So the question lies in your hands do you want to merge or stand out as the expert and go to source on your own? Something to think about, as many will flee to what they consider the safety net of a JOB, however let me remind you what happen this year that so called safety net yielded 600,000 average job losses per month…safety net?

Nothing happens overnight a business takes planning, structuring and sometime re-inventing to fit with the economy today and your passions. If you do not start that thought process now how can you launch anything except perhaps a football as you watch the games on New Years? It is crucial for you to take the time to sit down and plan for 2010, at least for the first 3 months of the year. Below are some great questions to ask yourself that my friend Adam Urbanski from The Marketing Mentors (http://themarketingmentors.com/) asked himself as he launched a very successful business:

1. WHAT do I want to accomplish?
2. WHY do I want to achieve it?
3. What BARRIERS stopped me from already achieving this goal?
4. What new SOLUTIONS and SKILLS do I need to acquire?
5. What specific ACTION STEPS do I need to take to achieve this goal?
6. What SUPPORT will I need?

I challenge you today to answer each of these questions in complete honesty so you can discover you next steps for 2010. Once you have your hearts desire then connect with an expert to help you stay on track, a Business Coach. Even those of us that are Business Coaches hire a coach to keep us on track. Invest in yourself and you will succeed!

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