Friday, February 12, 2010

Hollywood and Christianity

All I can say is wow! To the headlines today in the entertainment sector, not to my surprise Lindsay Lohan is trying to represent herself as a Christ-like person or image of Christ on the cross. What is Hollywood coming to where they find it okay to mock or blaspheme God?

Why is society today willing to accept this as the norm and not speak out? Are we becoming so desensitized by what we see that when something totally tasteless as her portrayal we say nothing and many run out to see or buy the item of controversy?

We sat here the other day talking about how Christianity seems to be the easy target to mock. We don’t see people mocking other religions or faiths, when was the last time someone mocked a Mormon or a Muslim? Why is this, is it because most Christians keep quiet just as Jesus did as he was mocked by the Pharisee’s?

Why is it when in a conversation a Christian mentions the name of Jesus they are laughed at and shut down? If they use the word God it is acceptable because everyone worships some kind of god. And yet a “movie star” can seductively portray Jesus in a crucifixion pose just before the Holy celebrations related to Easter (the resurrection of Christ) and it is a hot topic of conversation, something is wrong here. I guess Lindsey could deny the representation, as she does most of her antics, however the crown of thorns on her head, sorry Lindsey you knew exactly what you were trying to portray.

As Christians we need to stand up and say enough, God tells us in the Bible if we are luke warm he will vomit you out of his mouth, time to get off the fence and speak up for things that are not glorifying to God instead of tolerating them and accepting them as the norm. You know one day Christ will return for His people and He will ask each of us either Why not or say Well done, what will you hear on judgment day.

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