Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas and 1 Corinthians 13

As we all know 1 Corinthians 13 is the chapter in the Bible all about love, unconditional love. A friend of mine gave me this Christmas reflection yesterday and I thought it would be great to share this with you with only a few days left before we embrace all the celebrations that Christmas Day will hold for us. The author is unknown.

If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows,

Strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls,

But do not show love to my family,

I’m just a decorator.

I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies,

Preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully

Adorned table at mealtime,

But do not show love to my family,

I’m just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, sing carols in the nursing home

And then give all that I have to charity,

But do not show love to my family,

It profits me nothing.

If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes,

Attend a myriad of holiday parties,

And sing in the choir’s,

But do not focus on Christ,

I have missed the point.

Love stops the cooking to hug the child.

Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the husband.

Love is kind, though harried and tired.

Love doesn’t yell at the kids to get out of the way,

But is thankful they are there to be in the way.

Love doesn’t give only to those who are able to give in return

But rejoices in giving to those who can’t.

Love bears all things,

Believes all things,

Hopes all things,

Love never fails.

Video games will break,

Pearl necklaces will be lost,

Golf clubs will rust,

But giving the gift of love will endure.

Sometimes we all get lost in the hustle and bustle of life and Christmas, I pray that this year we may all take a little time to reflect on the greatest gift we were ever given. The gift of the Son, Jesus Christ which is so priceless and we sometimes regard it as spare change. Here is to a Christmas filled with Christ and His unconditional agape love for us! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

A reason to celebrate.

With only a few days left till Christmas morning springs itself upon us with all the giggles, excitement and love; many may be trying to figure out how to get the enormous lists of toys the children are wanting. Isn’t it funny how when I was a kid we asked for one toy maybe two, for me usually a Barbie Doll and that was all. Today however the lists have almost become novels, like a recent Christmas movie that portrayed a child on Santa’s lap going on and on about what he wanted, even Santa was like are you done yet!

A friend of mine was sharing her heart at one of our women’s fellowships. Her family was a military family for many years so at Christmas they were always blessed with gifts for the kids, about 5 or 6 different toys and games each. Today her husband is no longer an active military service man so they are not getting the support they had when moving from base to base. However the children’s Christmas list is even longer today and the toys are now much more expensive with electronic gadgets and all. She was concerned about making the children happy like any mom would want for her kids, however they do not have the money to provide the same kind of Christmas the children had grown accustomed to in the past.

You see so many of us today are caught in the same situation as my friend, not enough money to fill the want list from our kids and families. The answer is really simple if we are willing to step back and celebrate Christmas for what it is meant to be, a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

What if we changed our perspective and focused on the true meaning of this holiday? Nothing wrong with giving gifts, God gave us Jesus! The problem comes when we loose our focus on the true meaning of Christmas and turn it into primarily an overspending shopping spree to make people happy, for the moment. Then we try to figure out how to pay off all we have charged, causing stress and depression. What if we scaled back the worldly side of Christmas and enlarged our faith filled side?

During the challenges today in our economy with all the job and home losses we can still celebrate and rejoice this week. We can celebrate the amazing gift that our Father in heaven has given us, the gift of eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. He knows where you are today and He knows your needs, maybe it is time to surrender ALL to Him to find room in your hearts to celebrate the gift God has given us.

We all have a reason to celebrate this amazing Christmas season, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Can you believe it we are rapidly approaching 2010? Are you a new entrepreneur or a seasoned one? Perhaps you are one of the thousands of Accidental Entrepreneurs of 2009. No matter the case it is time to seriously look at the approach you will have for the New Year. I know many are saying I am too busy to look at it now with Christmas and all. Let me tell you if you do not start planning it now you will not begin the process because something will always be a priority.

A friend of mine, perhaps you know him Chris Bogan (, mentioned in his blog this week that his forecast is that we will see small businesses merging together. Taking what you are lacking in skill & resources and merge with an appropriate counterpart. So the question lies in your hands do you want to merge or stand out as the expert and go to source on your own? Something to think about, as many will flee to what they consider the safety net of a JOB, however let me remind you what happen this year that so called safety net yielded 600,000 average job losses per month…safety net?

Nothing happens overnight a business takes planning, structuring and sometime re-inventing to fit with the economy today and your passions. If you do not start that thought process now how can you launch anything except perhaps a football as you watch the games on New Years? It is crucial for you to take the time to sit down and plan for 2010, at least for the first 3 months of the year. Below are some great questions to ask yourself that my friend Adam Urbanski from The Marketing Mentors ( asked himself as he launched a very successful business:

1. WHAT do I want to accomplish?
2. WHY do I want to achieve it?
3. What BARRIERS stopped me from already achieving this goal?
4. What new SOLUTIONS and SKILLS do I need to acquire?
5. What specific ACTION STEPS do I need to take to achieve this goal?
6. What SUPPORT will I need?

I challenge you today to answer each of these questions in complete honesty so you can discover you next steps for 2010. Once you have your hearts desire then connect with an expert to help you stay on track, a Business Coach. Even those of us that are Business Coaches hire a coach to keep us on track. Invest in yourself and you will succeed!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Choosing the right business…Part 2

Choosing the right business…
Part 2 “Start your own business from scratch.”

Where do you begin when starting a business by scratch or your own ideas? The process may seem overwhelming however, once laid out it is a simple process.

There are a few questions to ask yourself when launching a business from scratch:

1. What am I passionate about? When we speak of passion it
means what to you absolutely love to do, think about during
the day and even dream about at night.
2. What have you been told you are really good at?
3. What are the needs in the community?
4. What would I call my business?
5. Do I provide a service or product?
6. What expenses are related to launching the business?
7. Do you need a place to store products?
8. What is the anticipated rate of return? (initial output of money compared to the income)
9. Do you have a support system?
10. Do you need licensing or permits?
11. Home office set-up or rent an office space?
12. What is my plan? (Your RoadMap, Goals, Business Plan)
13. How will I market my business?
14. Do I have enough reserves to survive until the business is profitable?

These are just a few solid questions you need to know the answer to in order to be successful. Most of the time you can launch your business from your home with the use of the internet therefore, start-up costs could be relatively small. Understand that starting a business does not mean you will instantly make thousands of dollars; businesses take time to grow and become profitable. Most businesses take up to 2 years to see a profit, so you must be prepared to cover the expenses until the business can sustain itself.

It is really crucial as you build your business you establish a presence on the internet. Research has shown that 73.9% of us utilize the internet to seek out products and services. It is not necessary to invest thousands of dollars into a website, the main things you want to be sure happen with the website are:

· You own it
· You can modify it
· You are ranking on Google or Yahoo searches (SEO)
· Cost can be $500 to $2,000 depending on the size

So what is holding you back now? You have the questions you need to know in order to launch the most amazing journey of your life; you just have to put it into play.

Choosing the right business…

Choosing the right business…
Part 1 “Choosing a direct sales business”

You are ready to launch into the journey of entrepreneurialism whether it is as an intentional or accidental entrepreneur, now what? How do you choose which business to start? There are so many options available for every person from cosmetics to insurance and beyond. The key is to research what is the best fit for you, what are you passionate about.

My suggestion to you is to create a pro and con list for each idea you have, explore both sides openly. There are businesses you can pay a couple of hundred dollars to start and have a full business plan ready for you or you can build one from your own ideas. Let’s explore some of the options available to you as a buy in business or direct sales business.

A direct sales business is easy to start and yet may be more challenging to generate an income that can sustain you and your family. The great part of a direct sales business is the structure is already established so you basically pay your start up fees and start running. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when considering a direct sales opportunity:

1) How much is the start up costs and what do I get for the money?
2) What kind of training and support do they offer you?
3) Were they pushy to get you to sing up, promising you will make thousands of dollars (if so
run away)?
4) Do you believe in the product you would be selling?
5) How many other representatives are in your marketing area?
6) What lifestyle (car, clothes, etc) does your recruiter have, most are not really making the
money they claim you can make?
7) Are you willing to recruit team members for residual income?
8) Is the product in demand today, does it meet a need?
9) Do you have a passion for the products and do you use them?
10)Do you have months of reserve money in the bank to sustain you while you build your
client lists?

These are a few good questions to ask before you jump into a direct sales business. There are some people that are really good at this type of business and others that are not a good fit to be a direct sales business owner. There are other sales businesses like real estate and insurance you may want to consider as well. These types of businesses require state licensing and in some cases the parent company will look at your credit and determine if you are a good candidate. For example, recently we found that Farmer’s Insurance will pull your credit and if you have any negative you will not be considered. We asked them why someone’s credit, especially today, would be such a factor. The response from an Inland Empire office was, “if you have poor credit you are not good enough to get the application approved.” My suggestion to you, do your homework and do not take anything personal!

Part 2 Start your own business from scratch.

Friday, September 4, 2009

It’s Your Life!

It’s Your Life!

25 Tips for the Entrepreneur that will keep you on the right path…

1) Take 30 minutes a day to move! Smile while you move it is the best natural anti-
depressant available (endurance, health, focus).
2) Take 10 minutes a day sit in silence; no phones, no computer (refreshes the mind).
3) Every morning before you step out of bed complete the following statement:
“My purpose today is ________________.”
4) Eat more foods that grow on plants and less foods made from the inside of commercial
5) Drink plenty of water, drink green tea, and eat fruit grown in local trees, wild Alaskan
salmon, spinach, carrots and almonds.
6) Try to make at least 3 people smile each day. Smiles are contagious so just smile at them
and they will smile back.
7) Don’t waste your energy on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts, things you can not
control. Focus on what you “DO” want, dream big!
8) Eat breakfast, lunch in peace and dinner with a friend or loved one in a chair leisurely.
9) Life is not fair, BUT it is still good.
10) Life is too short to be angry, stingy and/or greedy.
11) Try not to judge yourself! Find yourself to be your best ally not your worst enemy.
12) Make peace with your past, so it won’t spoil the present. It is over, next is ahead!
13) Don’t compare your life to that of others, you have no idea what their journey is about or
14) You don’t have to win every argument, it is ok to disagree.
15) No one is in charge of your happiness except for you! Close your eyes and say I am the boss.
16) Frame any “disaster” with these words, “Five years from now will it matter?” Better yet
“One year from now will it matter”.
17) Forgive everyone for everything, unforgiveness only hurts you.
18) What other people think of you is none of your business, what you think of you is vital!
19) God helps, it is His plan. We just need to trust His bigger picture, know we are loved and
keep moving forward.
20) However good or bad a situation is; it will change. The one thing we can bet on is change will
happen, move with it!
21) Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick, your friends & family will. Keep in touch
and be social.
22) Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
23) Each night before you go to bed, complete the following statements: “I am thankful for
_____________.” “Today I accomplished _____________.” Stay in a mindset of
24) Remember, you are too blessed to be stressed.
25) Share this with everyone.
Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Business 101: Should I blog as a business owner?

The word blog is a conflation of two words: Web and log. It contains in its four letters a concise and accurate self-description: it is a log of thoughts and writing posted publicly on the World Wide Web. Often times we are hearing the question of, Should I be blogging as a business owner? Why do I need to blog?

Yes, as a business owner you need to be blogging on a regular basis. The blogs do not have to be long; they may only be a couple of paragraphs long but loaded with great content. Then we hear how often do I have to blog? My suggestion to you is at least once a week and I will explain why in a minute. If you can set aside 15-20 minutes a day I would write something once a day, put the time allotment on your calendar as an appointment.

Now on to the why should I blog? Here are several reasons to blog:
*Sharing news and information
*Expressing yourself
*Being found on search engines
*Open dialogue with potential clients
*Become the expert in your niche
*Move your business forward
*Develop a following
*Get published
*Public Relations (free PR)
*Blogs are interactive
*Customer Evangelists (clients that proclaim you as the expert)

We are always searching for new ways to get our name out there to the world and in the case of a start-up business you are looking for cost effective ways to get it done. Blogging is a free resource (in general, there are some paid sites if you must) and it takes a small portion of time to write something that would educate your potential client. The key to a successful blog that requests interaction is to end your blog with a question, challenge or call to action. This will prompt potential and loyal clients to respond and engage with you.

To start your blog go to a recognized site by Google or Yahoo such as this way it is free, easy and recognized in major search engines. There are several themed or specialty sites you can go register on that will direct you to a specific target market. Mashable has a great article listing over 40 free blog host sites

The challenge today is go register yourself a blog site, and write a paragraph a day. You will find it gets easier and it is a lot of fun to share your knowledge. Are you ready to launch this marketing tool into your business plan today?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Business 101: What is Social Media Marketing & Why do I need it?

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a huge arena of amazing tools that seem to grow and expand every moment. SMM is the hottest new way to market yourself and gain the much desired exposure to potential new clients. The amazing part of using SMM is the cost factor, SMM is virtually free to utilize, and it takes you world wide in a matter of minutes. Who would not want that kind of exposure?

SMM appears in a variety of forms from social networking sites to viral marketing sites.

Some of the common social networking sites include:
FaceBook (
Twitter (
LinkedIn (
NING sites (

While the viral marketing sites are:
Google Video

Then you have your Blog sites:

The fourth area in the SMM platform is Internet Radio/Podcasts:
Voice America Radio
Podcast Alley

The final area we will touch on is Social Bookmarking or tagging:

Keep in mind I am only listing the top sites, there are many others that can be more specific to your niche market. The key is to begin to connect into each of these platforms offering advice, tips, quotes then the sale. Do not march into these social platforms with a hard sale, guaranteed they will “un-friend” or stop following you.

You want to utilize all of the various platforms for optimum exposure, do not find yourself sticking to one only or combining all together on one site. The key is exposure and linking on several sites, then you can upload/link your radio show & blog to your main website to drive more traffic to your home site, that is a whole different topic for later. To find out more and explore your options visit or email at

Business 101: What do I need to start my own?

Starting your own business today is much easier than it was say 10 years ago. It used to be all about physical location, in some case today it is still location. However, most of us can start a business right from the comfort of our living rooms. With the invention of the World Wide Web we can launch a business in our living room that reaches world wide!

So let’s jump into the basic essentials for creating your own business today:

1.) A great idea, something that will meet a need for the community. Something that you can
do better than others providing the same product or service.
2.) You have to really want to journey this direction, owning your own business is not a cake
walk or a get rich quick adventure. However, if you are ready this will be one of the most
amazing journey’s of your life.
3.) You have to create a RoadMap to keep you on the right path. This is like using your GPS to
take a vacation; it is much easier to get from point A to point B if you have directions. This
will allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labor quicker than a random direction with no
4.) You have to create a Business Plan with specific targets, keep in mind this plan can & most
likely will be modified as you move through the launch and growth of your business.
5.) You need a strong support system behind you. This support system can come in a variety
of packaging; hire a Business Building Coach, join a Master Mind Group, find a Mentor…
Keep in mind each one plays a specific role in your journey. The Business Coach is trained
and experienced in getting you where you want to go, while the Master Mind Group may
be more generic or what worked for them. Unfortunately, what works for one may not
always work for the next person.
6.) You must have a strong passion for the business you want to start. Don’t just jump at
everything or the first sales pitch you get, dig deep and see if you are passionate about the
business. If you are not passionate you will give up if you do not see instant income and
success. Those that pursue their passions make it work and stick to it in good & bad times.
7.) You need to count the cost, starting a business does not mean instant income. You have to
be prepared to survive for about 2 years while you are building. If you have a job do not
quit unless you can survive without that income.

It is so simple today to launch a business and the rewards are far beyond anything a job can provide, are you ready? Are you willing to commit?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Business 101: Is it really a good time to start a business?

I stand here to say it is a phenomenal time to start a business! Let’s take a look at history and the companies that said yes and launched a business during tough economic times. Did you know that 16 of the 30 companies that make up the Dow industrial average were started during a recession or depression? These include Procter & Gamble, Disney, Alcoa, McDonald's, General Electric, FedEx, Trader Joe’s and Johnson & Johnson.

Let's journey through history to 1973-1975; the United States had an unpopular president, in the middle of the Watergate scandal and at the tail end of an extremely costly war that had divided the country. We watched gas prices jump by nearly 50% in two years leaving consumer confidence at an all-time low. You would think it was a terrible time to begin a business, right?

Let’s take a look at a few of the companies started during this economic crisis of the 1970's: Supercuts, Chili’s, Cablevision, Industrial Light & Magic, Famous Amos Cookies, Oakley and a small company called Microsoft.

What makes it a good time to launch the next Intuit, Whole Foods, J. Crew, Costco, or Applebee's (all launched during recessions)? Here's what happens in bad economic times, disruption. Disruption means things change often quickly and dramatically. When change happens opportunities are created and entrepreneurs seize that opportunity that’s what makes them entrepreneurs.

So what sets them apart from the rest of the people? There are a few key points that lead to success during economic crisis, like today:

· Mind-Set
· Desire for Change
· Passion for Opportunity
· Strong Support System
· Defined RoadMap
· Great Idea

What has changed in the way business is done today?

· Weakened competitors. It's likely that many of your competitors are facing tough times,
tightening their belts, perhaps retiring or selling out. Many of the companies that have
been around for what seems forever are shutting their doors.
· Customers seek cost effective options. When times are good, customers are likely to stick
with the suppliers they're used to, even if they're a more expensive. Today, however,
customers are looking around for cost effective options to get the products and services
they need.
· Large Corporations cut back. Reducing their services, especially to the small business
owners, who might be great customers for you.
· Loyalties loosen. As competitors reduce services to customers, and as customers look
around for cost effective options, it means they're less likely to be loyal even to longtime
What is your role in this opportunity?

· Be the cost effective option. Target customers who use more expensive products &
services now.
· Market aggressively. As loyalties loosen, your competitors' customers are more willing to
look at other options. They will be looking for those that stand out as the solution to their
· Think out of the Box. Come up with new ideas/solutions, especially more cost effective
ones, for customers' problems; they'll be in a more receptive mood.
· Present yourself as a consultant for large companies. You'll be more cost effective than the
in-house staff they're laying off and will bring new innovative ideas to increase their
"A lot of businesses get started at bad times," said S. Andrew Starbird, the Acting Dean of the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. "What they have in common is that they were innovative and served a particular need at the right time, the right place with the right product at the right price."

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why people will not build a business today, Reason #8 Self-Sabotage

Sabotage; as defined in the dictionary is any undermining of a cause...

"You can't do that!" "That's way too difficult!" "If you try, you'll probably just fail anyway." These statements sound as if they're coming from someone with a cruel mission to destroy self-confidence. Unfortunately, we can be the “someone” and our target can be our self.
Negative self-talk or sometimes called Monkey Chatter is something we have all probably engaged in at some time. When it rears its ugly head on a regular basis it, it can lead to self-sabotage, and can stop us and in some cases paralyze a person from achieving their goals and dreams. The worse part is we usually don't recognize what we are doing to ourselves. Instead, we attribute our lack of success to inadequacy or being unlucky. This mind-set will strengthen the negative messages we tell ourselves, and we get caught in a self-sabotaging cycle that can be very difficult to break.
A simple way to tell if you are sabotaging your self is when you grind to a halt while you're trying to achieve your goals, for no rational reason. When you feel like you are stuck in quick sand and the only way is down, or you tell yourself to quit you are not capable of success. The skill, ability and desire are there just seems as something is stopping you from moving forward. When you begin to feel that you can't do something you should be able to do, or have done before self-sabotage is at work.
Self-sabotage behavior can leave you feeling frustrated, discouraged, and trapped in a situation you desperately want to change. Self-sabotage behaviors are irrational and illogical, and they will destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence!
Everyone sabotages themselves from time to time. Unfortunately, sometimes we sabotage ourselves to the point of not being able to live the successful, happy life we really want to live.
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself (honestly) to determine if you might be self-sabotaging yourself:
· Is procrastination a regular part of your day?
· Do you have a difficult time getting motivated to do the things you really want to do?
· Did you tell yourself that this would be your year to succeed, but despite this promise to
yourself, you are still not living the life you truly want to live?
· Do your love relationships seem destined to fall apart?
· Do people often misunderstand your intentions?
· Do you feel as if people in your life are constantly criticizing you?
· Do you ever experience depression, anxiety or panic attacks, even when there is no logical
reason for them?
· Do you ever feel resentment or anger over not having more control over the events in your
Self-sabotage behavior damages your self-esteem and causes you to lose confidence in yourself, which is reflected to those around you by your attitude, comments and non-verbal communications. Self-sabotage can create feelings of frustration, discouragement, resentment, anger and panic. Most significantly, it stops you from doing and having the things you really want to have in your life.
So, let’s explore some ways you can overcome self sabotage. You have to let go, trust in the flow of life and begin to trust yourself. Do not allow other peoples opinions of you dictate what you believe and never do something to make someone approve of you if it’s not the way you would normally act, it is impossible to please everyone all the time.
In life we have to choose our battles we will fight and sometimes the best way to handle a situation if someone let you down either forgive them and understand that’s just the way they are or move on from them. Our actions will either lead to outcomes or consequences, you control your own life and no one else is responsible for the situations you find yourself in. You can not blame everyone else for what happens to you, if you do you are only sabotaging yourself.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, life is about learning and growing not instantly having the answer for everything. Self-sabotage needs to be recognized and addressed if you plan on moving forward as a successful business owner, because sometimes it is just you & the little mouse in your pocket that is moving in the same direction. Cut yourself some slack and talk kindly to yourself like you would talk to a loving friend, you will be surprised at the results you will experience. You may find you really like yourself!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why People Do Not Start a Business Today, Reason #7 Laziness!

We have exposed 6 of the most common reasons we have heard recently on why people will not start a business today, reason #7 is a very blunt one, laziness! The case of the why bothers, why should I do anything or who cares. Some people have tried to use every excuse under the moon to not do anything to change their position.

This mind-set is a very dangerous one, however in today’s economy a very common one. If we focus on the entire crisis around us we will become paralyzed and complacent. Lingering in this mind-set for too long can create a position of laziness, if you have sat around too long you will loose your desire to move forward. The other issue is those that are genuinely lazy and just do not want to do anything to better themselves or their families. The strange thing about this person is they are the ones always complaining that life is hard, life is bad, I never get a chance/break and on and on.

If we really want change in our life we must get out of the mind-set of laziness and move into action. Consider this transition just like working out at the gym; take little steps to big rewards. If you try to change instantaneously you will most likely give up as you become overwhelmed. If you are in a position of really wanting to make the change in your life and launch out of “The Lazy Mind-Set” here are a few steps you can take to begin the process of change in your life:

· Place notes to yourself on mirrors, wallet, drawers that say “I can do anything I set my
mind to do”, these are called affirmations and they do work!
· Hire a Life or Business Coach to help you set some goals and keep you on the right path.
They will also help you through this tough transition from laziness to proactive &
· Find a Master-Mind Group in your area that meets once a week
· Read books that will empower you like; Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki or Think &
Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson
· Journal your progress daily, including emotions & feelings
· Just start today, do not wait until tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes it is always today!

Congratulations on your decision to be proactive and remember you can do anything you set your mind to do!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why People Do Not Start a Business Today, Reason #6 Lack of Information

Lack of information is another top reason people don’t start a business today. Many may not be sure where to start while others may have had a business failure in the past and do not want to go there again. The other option is a family member may have lost a business as well do to lack of information, which scares the new potential entrepreneur.

The key to overcoming this reason is really simple with the invention of the internet; you have access to anything you want to know at the tips of your fingers. Any good entrepreneur will tell you it takes planning and goals to become successful. Becoming an entrepreneur requires the individual to think out the plan and direction they desire to head. This may mean taking classes at local colleges, attending tele-classes and hiring a Business Coach to keep you on track.

Ask around and you will see that most entrepreneurs do not do it alone; they may be a solo-entrepreneur however they have a support system in place. Let’s explore a couple of the ways to gather information and plan for this amazing journey.

1.) Hire a Business Coach: This is the simplest way to begin the process as they are knowledgeable about the process and details so that you are successful. Their number one objective when you come on board as a client is to determine your desires, then assist you in reaching your goals. They are your personal cheerleader! The program will be designed to personally fit you and your needs. The return on investment from anyone that has hired a Business Coach, even CEO’s of major firms, is currently exceeding 147% ROI. Not a bad return for your money!

2.) Register & Attend Tele-Classes/On-Line Classes: These are classes you can take from experts via your telephone. You can find classes that are a one day/one hour event to classes that run in a series. The free classes are usually set up to sell you the next program, so keep in mind you may get a few nuggets and not the whole content. They usually give you a workbook to follow along with and the information is generic so that everyone can gather some information.
3.) Register for local Community College classes: Usually Community College classes run from $29.00 to $149.00 and can offer great information. For these classes you must register on-line or early, if the college sees no one registered they will cancel the class. These classes are usually taught by experts in their field who are currently active with their specialty, they do not teach you text book theory you should receive practical real life application.

These are three of the many ways to gain knowledge about the business you desire to start before you launch the actual business. Start today discovering ways you can become knowledgeable about your business so you can launch yourself into success.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Getting Caught in the Web: The Start-up Business & The Internet Part 2

Getting linked on other websites to move your Google/Search Engine ranking is really simple. This is probably the best tool for all start-up businesses today, because it costs you nothing except a little time. I know it is hard to believe that you can gain exposure at no dollar cost to you! This is the beauty of staring a business today; years ago you had to have the brick & mortar to begin and a good sized chunk of money in the bank.

So let’s explore the options to getting your website linked on other sites. The most obvious connections need to happen in the Social Media arena (we will explore Social Media Marketing in a future article) like FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIN are the 3 main places. If you have videos then exposure on YouTube is a great resource for exposure on the internet. These have been previously used for primarily personal use, today they are the hottest marketing tools for businesses. Even big companies like Starbucks, Pringles, Pizza Hut and more are using FaceBook for exposure. The key is how to use them for business; here are a couple of tips to follow to keep it professional:

1. Photo, be sure it is of YOU and it is not suggestive; no suits a suit makes you unapproachable
2. Keep photos off your profiles that reflect partying (you and your friends at a bar drinking is not a good photo choice)
3. Be sure to post appropriately on your listing; offer tips, advice or quotes
4. Do FaceBook suggested friend connections
5. Be sure your website is on your profile as a link (a link looks like this way when they click on it they will be taken to your website while leaving your profile page in a different window
6. You can get a “vanity” URL on FaceBook now, FaceBook used to give you a link like which makes it hard to remember, now you can do one like which is much better for you from a marketing viewpoint. 7. Always try for your name, firstlast with no punctuation first.
8. As a business you can also create a Fan Page which gives you more exposure

The biggest word of advice on this type of marketing, limit the amount of time you spend, set a timer for say 30 minutes. It is really easy to get caught up in this type of networking.

Getting Caught in the Web: The Start-up Business & The Internet Part 1

A question was asked the other day regarding the value of a presence on the internet, “Is it really worth building a website for a small business with all the competition?” YES!!! The numbers as of late are 90% of the world (perhaps more today) search the internet for what they need as a first step. Can they find you?

The internet & Google searches can be overwhelming to some
start-up businesses, however take a deep breath here are some simple rules to follow when creating your empire on-line.

  • Get a website!
  • Content rich
  • Opt-in box on the website
  • Own the website!
  • Be able to modify/update the website
  • Get it ranked on Google (not by doing Pay-Per-Click)
  • Any links on your site need to open a new window, leaving your website up in front of potential client
  • Get your website linked on other websites like:
  • Article writing
  • Joint Ventures
  • Blog
  • Internet Radio Show and more…

    Understand it is really possible to move your website to the first page of a search and well worth your efforts. I took my own site from page 15 to page 1 in 3 weeks, I am competing against 2 other Robin Hardy’s, one is an author and the other the producer of The Wicker Man. So I have a little competition, however if I did it so can you.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why People Do Not Start a Business Today, Reason #5 Too much Competition!

Reason #5…Too much Competition!

Have you ever used this as a reason not to build a business of your own…There’s too much competition for what I do? Interesting reason for not moving forward, this one really borders on an excuse if you ask me.

If you have used this as your reason not to start your own business let me ask you a few questions:

*Do you have a passion for what you wanted to do?
*Have you checked out what “The Competition” is doing today?
*Do you still have any competition?
*What can you offer that is a little different, better than the competition?
*Is there a different target market/niche for you?
*Can you build a better mouse trap?

The amazing part of this particular reason is that in most cases 70% to 95% of your competition no longer exists. This is why I ask have you checked the competition out recently. I believe that this reason has a strong link to fear, if we are afraid to step out it is easier to blame the competition than give it a try.

Your competition may not have taken into consideration the new economy, the new needs or shifts in the target market which may have them missing the bulk of the business. The key to this is to:

*Establish your target market
*Know there needs (current)
*Define what makes you different/unique
*Be aware of what the competition is doing
*Discover how the competition reaches their market
*Understand the “New Marketing”

If the competition begins to be more competitive; stay on top of your plan, know the needs and be willing to redesign your mouse trap if needed to remain on top of your game. The competition only beats you if you roll over and play dead, play hard & fair with integrity and you will have the better mouse trap!

Why People Do Not Start a Business Today, Reason #4 I Don’t Have Any Support!

Reason #4…I Don’t Have Any Support!

You have come up with a fantastic new business idea and you are ready to launch forward onto an amazing new journey, then all of a sudden you hit the breaks and come to a complete stand still. What happened you say to yourself as you look around and see nothing but the dust cloud you created by hitting your breaks so hard?

You were so excited about your new adventure; you shared it with your family at the weekend BBQ and at the top of his lungs Uncle Ed shouts out, “Are you nuts, you will never be successful doing that just get a new job!” The BBQ becomes deathly quiet as everyone looks to you for a response, as you slither away never to mention your dream again. Have you been there?

So many people give up just before they are truly successful, most cases they quit the day before it all was to happen. The key to overcoming this particular reason for not starting your own business is to surround yourself with a coach or mastermind group that will encourage you and keep you focused on the right track.

There is an old saying, Beware with whom you share your dreams with as some are there to only steal your dreams. The dream stealers are those like Uncle Ed in the story above; perhaps they really care and don’t want to see you get hurt. In most situations like this it is usually because they are jealous or envious of your ambition, they wish they could do what you are doing. The easiest way to make yourself feel better is to make someone else hurt or discouraged. I do not believe this is usually an intentional behavior, never the less it is a real reaction to someone stepping out of what is considered to be the norm.

Understand this; you can do anything you set your mind to do, if you have a passion for it. Develop a working group/support group that you meet with weekly on the phone or for coffee, allow this to be your place to share. As you grow and become stronger & more focused you may be able to cut the meetings back to bi-weekly or monthly. This is another reason to hire a Business Coach, as they will assist you in staying focused, reaching your goals & objectives, and being your personal cheerleader as you move through your journey.

Do not feel bad that you do not share your dreams with everyone, there will be a time & place to share with them when you are stronger and more focused on your road map to success. If you have found this to be your reason not to start your dream business time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward. Remember if you want it bad enough nothing will be able to stop you.

Why People Do Not Start a Business Today, Reason #3 Security

Reason #3…Security

Continuing to explore the challenges holding people back from launching their own business takes us to the topic of security. We want to know it will be okay, we will be safe and taken care of so we cling onto the JOB (J=Just, O=Over, B=Broke) hoping it will provide our security needs.

However, today this may be a false sense of security with companies that have been around forever shutting their doors, relocating to a new state or cutting back staff. We are offered no guarantees in today’s job market and in many instances we do not know if tomorrow holds the promise of a paycheck. I have spoken to numerous people that are living the “what if”, the unknown of their security and waiting to see what happens.

As Robert Kiyosaki stated in his book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, by continuing to work for corporate America all we do is provide wealth for the corporations, we are given no guarantee that our retirement is secure. Basically if we rely on corporate America to continue to be our source of income for our families all we will do is make them richer.

Let’s look further back in our history at the founding of America, were we founded by large corporations & foreign companies, NO! America was founded by entrepreneurs like you and I. According to Gerald Gunderson’s study entitled The Founding Entrepreneurs: America’s Prosperity, “While it is not difficult to understand that entrepreneurs have created many improvements in the course of American history, it can be surprising to learn that they actually "founded" the U.S. economy”. Perhaps America is going back to the day when the entrepreneur and small business generated the growth and profitability in our Nation.

As an entrepreneur you have the freedom and capability to make the changes necessary for growth eliminating the bureaucratic red tape encountered in the corporate setting. Your success or failure depends on you not a supervisor or company that is only looking out for themselves. You create your security because you will never fire or lay yourself off, you will fire yourself up and find new innovative ways to grow your dreams.

So if we look at the reality of today, there is no security in a job. A job gives one a false sense of security for the moment, when that moment is gone then what. Be proactive and start planning today for your security and future.

Why People Do Not Start a Business...Reason #2…But….Money??

You’ve been sitting at your desk worrying if your job is secure. You’ve been sitting at your desk dreaming about starting a business. You wake up wondering what it would be like to work in my PJ’s. So what is stopping you from exploring this what if?

I can’t start a business I don’t have any money to do that! This is one of the top 5 reasons individuals never pursue their dreams & passions of starting a business. So today we are going to expose some of the myths to the financial side of starting a business.

The concept of starting a business used to mean months of reserves in the bank, strong credit, a physical building and a lot of money out of your pocket. Today the opportunity is much simpler to obtain, less costly and much more fun. With the invention of the internet small businesses & corporations have been able to generate thousands of dollars without leaving their home or place of business. The most challenging part of launching a business today is determining what kind of service or product you will provide.

There are SBA (Small Business Association) Loans available to you if you qualify, however keep in mind those have to be paid back and can not be written off if something was to go wrong. It is harder today to qualify for a SBA loan than in previous years and in some cases the interest rate may not be worth the convenience. My suggestion identify places where you may be spending excess and apply those monies to your new business, for example; spending $200.00 on a new purse or shoes or adding $200.00 to your new business, your call.

The cost to start a business today can run as little as a couple of month’s worth of Starbucks & lunches! Yes you read it right if you spend $4.00 a day on a cup of coffee (x 31) and $8.50 a day on lunch (x 31) you could launch a business! This is basically the cost of a website to get you out in the web. Additional things you might want to consider:

Hiring a Business Building Expert Coach to help you move forward effectively & rapidly:

a. Cost around $1200.00 for 8 sessions

b. Banner or logo design for marketing

c. Product (E-Books & CD’s cost of production $50.00 per hour) or products such as consumables would vary depending on supplier.

d. Business Cards (Vista Print will give you 250 for free, you only pay shipping) or print them at home for the cost of toner & business card stock. Many printing companies will print simple one sided B&W cards for as little as $29.00

e. Be sure with your website you own it and can modify it
Email address: DO NOT USE A YAHOO OR GMAIL OR HOTMAIL email, you need to be professional. Most hosting sites for your website offer a free email package so your email will match your website.

You want to be sure you are presenting yourself in a professional manner even if it is just you working on your bed with a laptop! If you do it right up front you will not have to try and mend things later, build a strong reputation from the beginning and you will be amazed what can happen. Now you are ready to begin the amazing journey to being an entrepreneur! Even if you did everything listed above (which is strongly suggested) you would have only spent about $2,000.00 to start your own business (minus product), so where can you add this to your current budget and eliminate Reason #2 for not starting your own business.

Why People Do Not Start a Business...Reason #1…But…I am afraid!!

The top, number one reason individuals do not start a business is fear. As humans we are afraid of the unknown, we are afraid of failing, we are in some cases afraid of success. Fear is a very powerful emotion/feeling that can leave a person paralyzed, unable to move forward and at the same time fear can be an amazing catalyst to move you forward.
It is all about your perspective on fear, so how do you see fear played out in your life?

Let’s take a look at the common explanation of fear:

F= False
E= Evidence
A= Appearing
R= Real

I know we have all heard this before however; it is worth restating as we explore the reasons people do not step out and start their own business. 97% of the time these fears have been created in our own mind, 3% may be valid. Our minds have a way of stopping us from success if we allow it to happen. In our minds we create, especially as women, the worst case scenario filled with “what if’s” and “why bothers”. The key to overcoming fear is to move through it and change our perspective of the outcomes.

Outcomes; we tend to find ourselves creating “our expected outcome” instead of allowing the outcome to happen as a result of our efforts. The amazing part is if we allow the outcomes to happen they are generally more spectacular than anything we could have created or expected.

Attitude; this is the next area related to fear that we can change, if we are willing. If we look at the difference between where we stand today and where we want to be it is all a matter of time & attitude. Why are some people successful and others seem to struggle? Attitude! Let’s take a look at the word attitude, a little number exercise take the word attitude and write the number of the alphabet it is then add them up, what do you get?

A=1 T=20 T=20 I=9 T=20 U=21 D=4 E=5


Let’s just say your attitude will affect your outcome 100%, what is your attitude like?

The number one objective today is to move through your fears, set aside the fear of the unknown and take a chance. The only things you will ever totally fail at are those things you never attempt to accomplish, leaving only the feeling of wish I would have tried. You can do anything you set your mind to do, if you are willing to step out and stay focused!

The New 4 Letter Word…

A new word has emerged that we will coin as “The New 4 Letter Word”! This 4 letter word can belittle someone; while at the same time give the user of the word an imaginary since of power. We have found that generally when this word is used it is meant to make the user feel better about themselves, somehow in their mind putting them above the other person.

What does this have to do with a Start-Up Business, everything! This is another great reason to launch into your own business eliminating some of the unnecessary behavior we allow ourselves to be subjected to on a day to day basis because we feel there are no other options. It also will help those of you launching you own business to develop a level of respect for others you encounter, especially in the service fields.

So many today have been subjected to being talked down to or about, it is a tough time in our economy so some are taking advantage of that to make themselves feel better. Have you ever been told you were “just a secretary”, “just a waitress”, “just a janitor”, or “just a temp”? We have been seeing too much of the use of the four letter word “just” to categorize a person’s position or status in life. Why are we seeing such an emergence of this mentality that definitely leaves a person feeling less than? I really believe it is because people are in fear of loosing what they have and have forgotten they were not always where they are today. The word “just” oozes out like the slime in a sewer and they instantly feel better, not looking back to see the damage done to the other person.

A client of mine recently experienced this, she chose to say yes to a temp agency for a position she was told would be long time temp or temp to perm. On the first day with the company they were already scheduling other interviews, so she contacted the agency to ask what was going on, “don’t I even get a chance to prove myself?” The agency promptly responded “just sit there and do the job you are “just a temp””. Imagine having that said to you when you walk into a new job focused on doing your best to prove yourself. It did not stop there the office where she was placed in also kept referring to her as “just a temp”; you are only here till the full-time person is hired. So my client took the agency’s advise and did exactly what they said, she sat there and filled the seat in the office since they would not give her any work or train her on what to do because she was “just a temp”. My client decided this is not worth it and is now launching a very successful VA (Virtual Assistant) business where she has complete control on her working environment.

This is a phenomenal reason to consider launching your own business so you can control the environment to position your self into and at the same time create a pleasant/positive atmosphere for all whom you encounter. What are you a master at, what do you love doing? Perhaps it is time to stop and consider launching your own business, creating a healthy/positive atmosphere you can thrive in daily. Remember it does not require a brick and mortar any more to build a business; all you need is an idea and some passion to fuel it forward.

Part 2 of Exploring some Start-Up Business options…

Now that we have explored the why & what of these top 10 top buys…Hot Products…Must Have Products that consumers are buying even during a recession, let’s take a look at ways you can generate income from each one:

1) Chocolate
a. Sign up for a MLM/Direct Sales that carries chocolate.
b. Create a home based chocolate business (getting molds & chocolate from a local cake
store). Easy to start, market to small boutique stores first, the internet and grow
from there.

2) Lipstick
a. Sign up for a MLM/Direct Sales cosmetic company
b. Become the expert on make-up, write an E-Book, do demo DVD’s, offer live make-
over’s for people searching for jobs
c. Internet Radio Show

3) Wine
a. Sign up for a wine Direct Sales company
b. Become the expert on make-up, write an E-Book, do demo DVD’s, do wine tasting
events for local winery
c. Internet Radio Show

4) Romance
a. Create events/getaways be a coordinator
b. Write a book or E-Book
c. Internet Radio Show

5) Comfort Foods
a. Create a cookbook
b. Become a home chef, cook for people in their homes
c. Cooking classes
d. Internet Radio Show

6) Pepto Bismal
a. teach alternative ways to release stress
b. write an E-Book on foods to eat to help with stomach problems
c. teach meditation live, CD or DVD
d. Internet Radio Show

7) Eating In (instead of eating out)
a. Create a cookbook
b. Become a home chef, cook for people in their homes
c. Cooking classes
d. Internet Radio Show

8) Home Grown Produce (instead of store bought)
a. Create an E-Book on how to grow and what to grow based on your location
b. DVD demo on planting a garden & its care
c. Internet Radio Show

9) Running Shoes (instead of gym membership)
a. Home workout DVD
b. Walking CD
c. Internet Radio Show
d. Fitness E-Book

10) Home Safe (instead of the local bank deposits)
a. E-Book on how to store valuables in a home
b. Internet Radio Show on safety

The objective behind each of these Top 10 items is to:

· Identify if any of the Top 10 items are in your niche
· Explore ways to become the expert
· Market to the appropriate target audience
· Start dreaming about other ways to turn your item into a cash flow

This does not mean these are the only directions to consider when creating your Plan B, these are just the top 10 according to a local list. The key to success in building your Plan B is to determine what you love to do, is there a need for it in my community or in the world and am I willing to commit to do what it takes to make it happen. The next step…what will you choose to pursue as a business?

Part 1: Exploring some Start-Up Business options…

You are ready to start your Plan B, what might be good directions to begin searching for the right start-up for you? Today we will explore the top 10, top buys…Hot Products…Must Have Products that consumers are buying even during a recession. The hottest products according to a recent article from The Dolan’s (Money Experts) are:

1) Chocolate
2) Lipstick
3) Wine
4) Romance
5) Comfort Foods
6) Pepto Bismal
7) Eating In (instead of eating out)
8) Home Grown Produce (instead of store bought)
9) Running Shoes (instead of gym membership)
10) Home Safe (instead of the local bank deposits)

Interesting list! There are some great opportunities for the creation of your own business in some of these listed above. Consider how many of the listed items are consumables, they need to be replaced which will generate repeat clients. Some of the listed items would be great to create informational products like CD’s, DVD’s, E-Books and even Tele-Gatherings all of which cost you very little to generate and in turn will yield a generous cash flow (if marketed to the target audience).

Let’s explore a the top 10 a little further to see why they may be in the top 10 and what opportunities you could create successfully:

1. Chocolate
a. comforting
b. relieves cravings
c. has some health benefits
d. a quick fix for a tough day
e. the number one grab to satisfy a sweet tooth by women
f. it is a consumable item, repeat clients

2. Lipstick
a. A must have for any wardrobe
b. Created great wealth during the Great Depression for companies like Max Factor,
because a woman may give up getting her nails done however, she will not give up her
c. It is a consumable item, repeat clients

3. Wine
a. Makes an ordinary meal extraordinary, so if someone is crunching their budget this
may be a treat
b. People will always want to entertain, many serve wine
c. It is a consumable item, repeat clients

4. Romance
a. With the increased number of staycations people want to know how to make it
b. Perhaps a newly wed couple can not afford a honeymoon
c. Couples looking for solutions to strengthening their marriage during challenging times

5. Comfort Foods
a. Many times people just want something that makes them feel good during stressful
b. Makes people feel like they are at home, safe & comfortable

6. Pepto Bismal
a. Stress levels are high what are some alternatives to Pepto Bismal

7. Eating In
a. Cutting expenses may mean cooking more at home
b. Many do not know how to cook or what to cook so they eat frozen foods

8. Homegrown Produce
a. Again cutting expenses may also mean trying to grow your own produce, if a pound of
tomatoes are $3.99 and tomato seeds are $1.75, plus you can yield more produce this
way, healthier

9. Running Shoes
a. another area for cutting expenses is gym memberships, especially if they are not used
on a regular basis

10. Home Safe
a. With the failures of so many banks and many more forecasted to be closing people are
keeping their hard earned money with them to eliminate risk
b. They are also keeping it in safes for fear of a creditor cleaning out their account behind
their backs

Part 2 of Exploring some Start-Up Business options, we will discover some ways to
turn the top 10 into your own empire.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beware of the Opportunist!

What an interesting time we are all living in today, with so much happening around us we find the “opportunist” also popping their head into our lives. As you consider the amazing journey to becoming an entrepreneur you also must be aware of the opportunists that will emerge with the next best thing.

I received a phone call today from one of those “opportunists” selling me on her next greatest opportunity in a new MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company. The amazing part of these individuals is they will say anything to get you to sign up under them, why is that? The key to a MLM is building a huge team underneath you, which you make money on as they sign up, then you also make money off everything they sell or everyone they sign up on their team. Don’t misunderstand me here there are some people that do well with a MLM or Direct Sales opportunity, however it is not for everyone.

As she began to try to “sell” me on her new found opportunity that she invested $495.00 to begin, she became very demanding and pushy. Each time I said no thank you, not interested in another MLM she became more instant that I hear her out for this totally “amazing, life-changing opportunity that will create financial freedom for women around the world, this is nothing like you have ever seen before.” What is more amazing is she wanted me to consider handing her $495.00 without knowing who the MLM company is, not something I am in the habit of doing.

There are two ways to make money in an MLM if this is the direction you are considering for your start-up business:
1) Recruit, recruit & recruit some more!
2) Be selling in the MLM/Direct Sales group for a long period of time

One of the sales pitches all Direct Sales/MLM groups will make is you can make your annual salary in months verses a year, there is no truth to that especially here in Southern California with so many saturations of these types of businesses in each community. If you look at their magazine published monthly the top sales are located in either rural/small towns in the mid-west or from those in the business for 10+ years.

The key to success as you consider launching your own business is doing your homework before investing in anything. Here are a couple of questions you can ask yourself before writing them a check or giving them your credit card number:
1) How much is it to start this MLM/Direct Sales?
2) Check the company’s integrity through the BBB or Google search the company
3) Determine if there is a demand for the product or is it a luxury

It is time for us all to start our Plan B, you just have to determine what direction you want to go in, how much time you are willing to invest and do you love what you are planning to launch. Tip for today: Don’t say yes right away to an “opportunist” if it is a valid opportunity it will still be there tomorrow, do your homework!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Do you have a Plan B?

What is a Plan B? A Plan B is the answer when your life is not heading in the direction you wanted to head, Plan B is when you have been searching for a job for over a year and nothing has happened. So have you considered your Plan B?

So many have been struggling to find a job since they were laid-off or the company they worked for shut their doors. The numbers have been staggering each month with numbers hitting over 600,000. The numbers of available jobs are limited and many employers are playing games with potential new hires. What do I mean by games? The stories we have been hearing from job seekers is really disheartening, one person went on an interview for a job that paid $22.00 per hour however, upon completing the interview the potential employer dropped the pay to $12.00 per hour because of supply and demand. Supply and demand means more job seekers than jobs so I do not have to pay you what you are worth and you still have to perform at your best.

Time to stop the madness and get your Plan B into action. They have stated that today is the age of the “Accidental Entrepreneur”, a day where people are forced into being an entrepreneur due to lack of choice. However, they also said it is the best time ever to be in this position! So let’s look at creating your Plan B, below are a few things to begin thinking about as you consider your Plan B:

*What am I passionate about?
*What am I skilled at doing?
*How much can I invest into a business?
*Do I want to do a MLM/Direct Sales Business or start my own?
*How much time am I willing to commit to make it happen?
*Who is my target market?
*Will I provide a skill, product or service?
*Who do I need in my spear of influence?

These are just a few questions to ask yourself as you journey into your Plan B. Also keep in mind it takes time to bring in the cash flow when starting a business and if you choose to do a MLM/Direct Sales Business it may take longer. You do not make thousands of dollars in these types of businesses overnight it takes time. Many making good money in these types of businesses have been in the business for 10-20 years, don’t be sold a bag of goods so quick, do your homework!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Social Media Marketing & the Start-up Business

The start-up business needs to get the word out on what they do as quickly as possible so in today’s market we have to explore tools that will expedite our efforts and reduce our cost. We are finding today that the traditional style of marketing in print media is rapidly fading into the sunset. With its high cost for printing and postage services the start-up business has had to consider new and creative ways to get their name out to their potential target market.

Technology has presented a new and powerful medium for the start-up business owner, the internet. With the invention of the internet Social Media has become the new effective & efficient tool in marketing efforts. The key to the success of this tool is understanding how to utilize it in a professional manner. Most people today have used Social Media as a personal tool to connect with people, however today sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are launching into a new area as a business generating tool. Social Media Marketing still requires developing a relationship with people not just selling, selling, and selling. If we understand the concept that people buy from people we will be able to embrace the how to utilize this media.

“Look at Social Media like a BBQ; with LinkedIN is a business casual BBQ geared for Business to Business, FaceBook is your local BBQ hanging out and connecting to the public and Twitter is a big beach party.” This is from an interview today with one of the Founders of David Riklan. You have to know who you are connecting with in order to communicate effectively. Start out with determining who your target audience is to be then start connecting on that site.

Another forum for Social Media is sites like where you can connect as an expert or connect as someone looking for advice, information or growth. The key to success with Social Media Marketing is to create a profile, upload your photo (keep it professional, not stuffy) and start connecting with the general chit chat, offering tips or advice then start talking about your business. DEVELOP RELATIONSHIPS FIRST BEFORE ASKING FOR THE SALE! Yes it is all in caps for the reason this is really important, the fastest way to loose connections is being all about the sale.

Once you have begun your game plan for social media, you need to begin looking at video marketing, which we will cover next time. The key is getting started today, it is all free to participate in and great business deals have began on Social Media sites.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Declare Your Independence

Have you ever considered starting your own business as a way to declare your independence from the bondage of relying on another person to create your income? I love the fact as a new business owner you are declaring your independence! So in the spirit of celebrating Independence Day, the 4th of July this article will explore the top 10 reasons to declare your independence today!

Reason #1
You have the FREEDOM to create your own income!
You determine how much you want to make and go after the ways/means to make the money, no one tells you that you will make only $12.00 an hour and yet give me $25.00 an hour worth of work.

Reason #2
You have the FREEDOM to determine how many days, hours you will work each week. You do not have to ask to go to lunch, take the day off or call in sick.

Reason #3
You have the Liberty to make changes as needed.
If things are not working out and there is a better way to go, change it without the red tape.

Reason #4
You get to do something you love or are passionate about.
Imagine waking up and wanting to work, not feeling forced to.

Reason #5
Eliminate the long commutes.
Many have to look for jobs outside their community and face long drives on congested freeways. Eliminate the commute by starting a business from home.

Reason #6
You have the FREEDOM to choose who you work with.
You pick your clients, your staff, etc. If it is not a good fit you choose to replace the staff or not work with the client.

Reason #7
FREEDOM from stress.
Eliminate the stress of finding a job or the possibility getting a pink slip by being proactive and plan now for your independence.

Reason #8
FREEDOM to choose when you get up & when you get out of your PJ’s
In some cases you can work from home in your PJ’s and bunny slippers.

Reason #9
The cost to start a business today is minimal.
What used to cost thousands and require a brick & mortar, now costs in many cases under $1,000.00 to get up and running.

Reason #10
The Tax Benefits
As an entrepreneur there are many advantages for you in the tax return arena. If you keep accurate records the benefits may surprise you. Check with a CTEC or CPA for full benefits.

These are just 10 of the numerous reasons to Declare Your Independence this July and start your own business. So what is holding you back today? There are so many options in launching a business whether it is as an entrepreneur or as part of a MLM or direct sales group, explore your options!

What a perfect time to launch this journey in your life as our country celebrates its 233rd year of Independence this weekend.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why should I build a business?

A question asked so many times is, why should I build a business? Isn't it safer to work for someone else at least I always get a paycheck? What about benefits? All of these are good questions, however if you stay in the question mode constantly analyzing the decision you will never move forward.

I will tell you today is the best time to explore & launch a business of your own. Let's tackle the questions above first. Why should you build a business? Building a business gives you something that is yours, you can create your income and you do not have to bust your butt for a chance it will be appreciated. The value of busting your butt for something that is yours is beyond value. Let's address the "at least I get a paycheck". Do you now, is that a guarantee? Not today, if companies that have been around forever are closing their doors where is the promise there? The your own!

You can begin the launch/creation of your business while employed and gradually move into being an entrepreneur. Start dreaming today about what you love to do and how you can make money doing it, then contact me to begin the launch! Today you can start a business with almost no money; you do not need a building or a staff!

The next question that comes up is what types of people start their own business? To this question I simply reply, YOU! The key requirement to starting your own business is the desire to do it. The amazing part is you do not need to know how to start one, just want to start one. There are so many resources to find out the how once you have the desire to step out and make it happen.

So what is stopping you from launching your dream business?

During the next few issues we will explore the process of creating your dream business from conception to an amazing launch!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Re-Invention 2009

The new buzz word in town lately has been Re-Invention. I've been teaching that concept to entrepreneurs for the past two years. So the question from many is what is Re-Invention? Re-Invention is taking what was and redefining it into a new appearance, vision, direction, etc. let's just say it is a chance to revive what you are doing to thrive in today's market.

How does one re-Invent? The first question you have to ask yourself are you willing to make changes. The answer to this must be yes in order to move forward. Step number two is to take inventory of what you are currently doing and write it down. Step number three is to evaluate if you are still meeting the needs or your clients, if not time to re-invent what you are doing. Look at creative ways to change what you are doing.

This is a simple rundown on how to begin the process, obviously it is much more detailed than this and you may need assistance to move through the process. If you are looking to make changes to increase profitability and growth, you may want to check out our Business Builder Pick 8 Program, you can email me for details at

The key to your success today is the willingness to do what it takes to move forward with integrity and clarity. Are you willing to re-invent?

If you have re-invented recently or considering re-invention please share your ideas with us...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To unsubscribe or not…

This past week I have asked the question, should I unsubscribe? You know you dropped your business card in for a free drawing to win something you think you want, and then you get their newsletter instead the next week. We have all been on both sides of this table and to me that is fine; you never know where a powerful nugget may come from.

So when you start receiving their newsletter you add them to your list for your newsletter, why not they used your card from the drawing. I don’t see an issue with this, as we can build alliances, collaborations and even get fantastic ideas on marketing from others.

These past few weeks however I have witnessed some newsletter senders removing themselves off others lists, no big deal or is it? I think it is really rude to add someone to your list then because you are too big or you got what you needed remove yourself from their list and then they continue sending their newsletters and sales pages to you…mmmm

My opinion is if you have someone on your list and they have you on theirs leave it alone. We do not have to read everything we receive, so why not show courtesy to others in the entrepreneur world. I receive several newsletters and I do not read them all every time, however when I do glance or read them there is always a nugget or a spark of a new idea for myself.

So what is your take on this, subscribe or unsubscribe and why?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Cure For Worry; Faith

Such a time as today when around every corner appears fear and worry, what can someone do? The question coming through loudly is; how can I overcome this issue of fear and worry? Then you hear the self-blame of what did I do wrong? In a country so rich in resources it is shocking to see where we stand today, the feeling of being totally lost and abandoned as we watch the “Big Guys” get all the help they can yell or whine for. I am sharing today ways to approach these very real feelings and emotions so that you can live a healthy life.

These feelings and emotions are very real and sometimes can even paralyze it’s victim. The incredible news is we can move through all this and step into an empowered place in our own life, if we so choose to do so. It is time we step up and grasp a hold of truth and move forward. The first step to moving forward is to realize you do not own the crisis, you did not create this crisis and this crisis will not control you unless you allow it to. I know these are pretty bold statements to make today, however I ask you one valid question; Can YOU change what is happening in the economy? The answer is NO! So therefore it is time to stand up, dust off the dirt and move forward. This is not an easy task to achieve as many of you have lost homes, jobs, family and more.

The second step to moving forward is to monitor what you are taking into your mind. What do you watch every day? What do you read every day? If all you do is read the news, watch the news then all you have is the news. As we all know the news can not find anything good to report on, which is amazing because I know there are great things happening in our communities as people step up to help each other out. What type of music do you listen to…what are the lyrics? What movies do you watch…what is their content? What are you reading? I challenge you today to write all this down and evaluate how this is affecting what happens in your mind and your feelings/emotions. Is it a positive energy or is the life being sucked out of you? Get real with yourself and explore how you might change what is being created in your environment.

The third and most important step to moving forward is finding peace and spirituality for yourself. Let me define what I mean by spirituality since there are many meanings it seems today. By spirituality I am speaking of a relationship with God the Father, the God of the Bible. Many ask why some of us Christians are so calm as so much happens to us, around us how can you be at peace? Let me tell you once you experience the peace of God you can go through anything that He allows to build your character and help others because of your experience and compassion. The scripture I would love to leave you today is from the gospel of Matthew, a promise of God’s provision for His children.

"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life--whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not.
And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you? You have so little faith! "So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”
Matthew 6:25-34 NLT

Let me leave this thought with you today, we have a God that loves us more than we can imagine who sent His only Son to take our place so that we may have eternal life with Him. A God that proclaims He will provide for us and all He asks is that we believe and have faith in Him, believe His words and accept Him in our hearts. We do not have to work to have the relationship and there are not many roads to God. Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” John 14:6. He may not answer when we expect it however; I am here to say He answers in His perfect time which is amazing. I am a living proof of this today!